នៅពេលដែលលោក លោកស្រីពិចារណាក្នុងការលក់អចលនទ្រព្យសូមលោក លោកស្រីពិចារណានៅចំណុចណែនាំដូចខាងក្រោម៖ ១) ស្វែងរកភ្នាក់ងារអចលនទ្រព្យសូមស្វែងរកភ្ន
While any international move can be challenging, moving into Cambodia requires a few lifestyle adjustments. Nowadays, with proper planning, most foreigners settle in comfortably and quickly come to appreciate the unique cultural and social opportunities in this fast-growing capital afford. It is very important to engineering a convenient and rewarding lif
1) Planning and Funding When considering purchasing a property in Cambodia, a buyer’s biggest concerns are:Good location,Property pricing,Supportive infrastructure, Healthy environment,Legality. Generally speaking, however, a property purchase is a large investment. Also, Cambodian people now generally require a loan or mortgage to finance such a purchase.We will tackle financing in a